Anind Dey (University of Washington) - Using Everyday Routines for Understanding Health Behaviors
Using Everyday Routines for Understanding Health Behaviors
We live in a world where the promise of ubiquitous computing and the Internet of Things is coming true. We have smart devices that pervade our lives, and that are constantly collecting data about us and mostly discarded as irrelevant. I will demonstrate how researchers can extract relevance from this passively collected data and use it to “image” people's behaviors. I will describe approaches for extracting behavioral routines from smart devices, and then how these routines can help us better understand human behavior and anomalies, in the context of studies of depression and substance abuse.
How to watch
Livestream on Youtube (no login required, no Zoom required):
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This talk is part of the Department of Computer Science Fall seminar series on human-computer interaction. Future talks:
10/26: Karrie Karahalios, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
11/5: Tanzeem Choudhury, Cornell Tech
11/9: Amy Ogan, Carnegie Mellon University
11/30: Hiroshi Ishii, MIT Media Lab
More information on these speakers and their talks will be posted soon.
Host: Marshini Chetty

Anind Dey
Anind K. Dey is a Professor and Dean of the Information School at the University of Washington. Anind is renowned for his early work in context-aware computing, an important theme in modern computing, where computational processes are aware of the context in which they operate and can adapt appropriately to that context. His research is at the intersection of human-computer interaction, machine learning, and ubiquitous computing. For the past few years, Anind has focused on passively collecting large amounts of data about how people interact with their phones and the objects around them, to use for producing detection and classification models for human behaviors of interest. He applies a human-centered and problem-based approach through a collaboration with an amazing collection of domain experts in areas of substance abuse (alcohol, marijuana, opioids), mental health, driving and transportation needs, smart spaces, sustainability, and education. Anind was inducted into the ACM SIGCHI Academy for his significant contributions to the field of human-computer interaction in 2015. Before starting at the University of Washington in 2018, Anind was the Charles M. Geschke Professor and Director of the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University for 4 years, and was a member of the faculty for 13 years. Previously, he was a Senior Researcher at Intel Research and an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Computer Science at UC Berkeley. Anind received his PhD and MS in computer science, and an MS in aerospace engineering from Georgia Tech, and a Bachelors in Computer Engineering from Simon Fraser University.