Haifeng Xu is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at UChicago, where he directs the Strategic IntelliGence for Machine Agents (SIGMA) lab (hyperlink to https://www.haifeng-xu.com/sigma/index.html). He studies the economics of data and machine learning, including designing learning algorithms for multi-agent decision making and designing markets for data and ML algorithms. Haifeng publishes regularly at leading machine learning and computational economics conferences, and serves as area chair or senior program committee for premier venues such as ICML, EC, AAAI, IJCA, etc. His research has been recognized by multiple awards, including the AI2050 Early Career fellow, IJCAI Early Career Spotlight, Google Faculty Research Award, ACM SIGecom Dissertation Award (honorable mention), IFAAMAS Distinguished Dissertation Award (runner-up), and multiple best paper awards; his works have been generously supported by varied agencies including NSF, ARO, ONR, Schmidt Science, and Google Research.

Focus Areas: computational economics, machine learning, multi-agent systems, algorithms

More descriptions:
The following research themes are the recent focus of our research lab. Please refer to our lab’s website for more details.

  • The economics of data/information, including selling, acquiring, and exploiting information
  • Machine learning in multi-agent setups under information asymmetry, incentive conflicts, and deception
  • Resource allocation in adversarial domains, with applications to security and privacy protection


AI & Machine Learning

Foundations and applications of computer algorithms making data-centric models, predictions, and decisions


The mathematical foundations of computation, including algorithm design, complexity and logic

Labs & Groups

Strategic IntelliGence for Machine Agents (SIGMA) Lab

Haifeng Xu
Develops cutting-edge machine learning and decision making techniques that can excel in uncertain and complex strategic environments, ranging from national...

Awards & Honors

Best paper award, Web Conference
AI2050 Early Career Fellow
IJCAI Early Career Spotlight
Google faculty research award
Best application system demo award, AAMAS
ACM SIGecom dissertation award, honorable mention
IFAAMAS award, runner-up
Best paper award, AAMAS
Best student paper award, AAMAS

News & Events

Haifeng Xu
UChicago CS News

New CS and DSI Faculty Haifeng Xu Brings Strategic Intelligence to NeurIPS 2022

Nov 28, 2022
UChicago CS News

New 2022-23 Faculty Add Expertise in Linguistics, Visualization, Economics, and Data Science Education

Aug 11, 2022
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