Contact Info
Crerar 355

Marshini Chetty is an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Chicago where she directs the Amyoli Internet Research Laboratory (AIR lab). She specializes in human-computer interaction, usable privacy and security, and ubiquitous computing. Her work has won best paper and honorable mention awards at SOUPS, CHI, and CSCW, and she was a co-recipient of the Annual Privacy Papers for Policymakers award. Her research has been featured in the NYTimes, CNN, Washington Journal, BBC, Chicago Tribune, The Guardian, WIRED, and Slashdot. She has received generous funding from the National Science Foundation, through grants and an NSF CAREER award, as well as the National Security Agency, Facebook, and multiple Google Faculty Research Awards.


Focus Areas: Human-Computer Interaction, Privacy, Security, Ubiquitous Computing, Usable security

Chetty specializes in human-computer interaction, usable privacy and security, and ubiquitous computing. Marshini designs, implements, and evaluates technologies to help users manage different aspects of Internet use from privacy and security to performance, and costs. She often works in resource-constrained settings and uses her work to help inform Internet policy.


Human Computer Interaction

Exploring the interfaces between people and technologies

Security & Privacy

Understanding and defending against emerging threats in our increasingly computational world

Labs & Groups

Amyoli Internet Research (AIR) Lab

Marshini Chetty
Working to make the Internet more trustworthy and inclusive, drawing on human-computer interaction, usable privacy and security, ubiquitous computing, and...

Awards & Honors

Best Paper Honorable Mention, CHI
Best Paper Honorable Mention, CHI
10th annual privacy papers for policymakers (PPPM) award
Distinguished paper award, SOUPS
Best paper award, CSCW
Best paper award, CHI
Georgia Tech GVU Foley scholar award
Intel Ph.D. Fellowship
Georgia tech research and innovation conference travel grant
Georgia Tech GVU Foley scholar finalist
Google Anita scholarship
Georgia Tech Sam Nunn security fellowship
2nd place at the ACM CHI student design competition
Google women of color scholarship to attend Grace Hopper conference
Computer science merit certificate for academic achievement
Fulbright scholarship
National research foundation equity scholarship
University of Cape Town University council bursary
Class medal for CS 302F
Microsoft scholarship to attend Tech Ed conference
HSBC bursary for academic achievement
William Campbell-Pill scholarship
Dean's merit list

News & Events

UChicago CS News

Decoding Content Moderation: Analyzing Policy Variations Across Top Online Platforms

Aug 26, 2024
UChicago CS News

University of Chicago Computer Science Researchers To Present Ten Papers at CHI 2024

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Research Suggests That Privacy and Security Protection Fell To The Wayside During Remote Learning

A qualitative research study conducted by faculty and students at the University of Chicago and University of Maryland revealed key...
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UChicago CS Researchers Shine at CHI 2023 with 12 Papers and Multiple Awards

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Computer Science Displays Catch Attention at MSI’s Annual Robot Block Party

Apr 07, 2023
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UChicago and NYU Research Team Finds Edtech Tools Could Pose Privacy Risks For Students

Feb 21, 2023
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The Computing Pipeline: A Foundation for Diversifying Computer Science

Nov 28, 2022
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Trending Now: How Netflix Chills Our Free Will

Nov 14, 2022
Past Event

Marshini Chetty (UChicago) – Imagine All The People On A Trustworthy Internet

Sep 28, 2022
UChicago CS News

UChicago CS Students Emily Wenger and Xu Zhang Receive Harper Fellowships

Sep 14, 2022
UChicago CS News

High School Students in College Prep Program Visit UChicago CS

Aug 23, 2022
UChicago CS News

UChicago CS Labs Join Museum of Science & Industry For Robot Block Party

Apr 20, 2022
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